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City to complete building 80 smart outdoor gyms

Source: Shenzhen Daily Release time:2022-10-21 [font:largemediumsmall ]

The city will complete building a total of 80 outdoor gyms with smart sports facilities at parks and communities to the public for free before the end of this year, sources from Shenzhen sports administration said.

Lianhua Hill Park opened the city’s first outdoor intelligent outdoor gym to the public in October 2021. Its park management center recently put the second sports yard into use at the request of residents to meet the public’s demand for sports.

The first yard attracted 100,000 residents and 900,000 visits in the first six months upon its operation. In this February, the city unveiled the implementation plan for public fitness (2022-2025) and required each outdoor gym must be equipped with at least 300 sets of intelligent sports facilities.

Since the introduction of intelligent sports facilities at Lianhua Hill Park, a resident surnamed Wu came to exercise regularly. “It is close to my home and I come here every day for exercise, except periods when the park is closed due to the COVID-19 prevention and control,” Wu said.

“The digital and intelligent facilities are very helpful for exercises and the rehabilitation of the senior citizens. The air in the park is very fresh,” said another resident surnamed Zhang.

The intelligent sports facilities are applied with AI (artificial intelligent), IoT (Internet of Things), cloud computing, big data and blockchain technologies, based on the training and rehabilitation data of professional sports teams and athletes. The equipment includes facilities for physical strength tests which can generate test reports and training plans based on the physical test data. The training facilities, a dozen of them, can cover the training for different muscle groups.

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